Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Red Ring of Death... Xbox360 Failure Rate 54.2%

Xbox and Microsoft have tried to disjoint their perfect union, but eventually this quazi PC realm will adapt to become something cheap as PC computing abilities continue to soar. -RunTimeErrorBoy

Gamers were key in the progress to get home computing levels where they are today. Otherwise everyone could still be working on their Commodore 64 the highest selling PC of all time; and even in gaming our famous Nintendo 64, named for its 64-bit CPU, was not released for over a decade after the Commodore. I for one am done with these sorts of products because the companies have some how achieved a stance of not fixing what is "obsolete" because the next product will outshine its predecessor in performance. Additionally the price of these quazi PC's continue to rise while diminishing in quality, and in general the overall number of consul gamers has not shown the rapid growth I had expected over this past decade.

Well, I wanted my factory flawed Xbox fixed for essentially shipping cost because it broke just sitting in my room; and Microsoft thinks I have used it as a Frisbee or something. To put this on a time scale my PS2 although sputtering and on its last leg still performs but has performed for 9 years vs. my Xbox360's 2 years + 1 year extended warranty which I assume the company has already figured into the cost of my system...

The current console gaming "market" created by Microsoft is the rapid breeding of console systems with unreliable hardware, exclusive rights to all accessory components like jump drives, controllers, hard-drives, etc.., and often exclusive rights to publish popular video game titles they purchased and had little to do with developing only to release them on their systems alone.

Over all Microsoft's current impact does little but reduce the diversification of the genre I love most. In comparison its hardware superior competitor Sony has sold over 138 million PS2's at roughly the cost of $200USD while only 31 million Xbox360's at a cost of over $250USD have been sold, and at a whopping failure rate of 54.2% compared to Sony PS3's 10%.

As soon as Microsoft admits it actually is responsible for the failures of the Xbox corporation the sooner it can begin satisfying its customers. I for one am not satisfied with being told to throw $100USD at the situation to make everything alright. In the mean time my good buddy is taking my Xbox360 to an uncertified mad scientist with a wielding torch, and I just hope it comes back in one piece.

My Xbox360 is now in about a million pieces, and in a drawer somewhere. If anyone wants to purchase spare parts contact me.

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