Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Plot Thickens?

No not really, but I want to be dramatic at this point. Imagine a gaming community that is slowly taking over by renovating games for a purpose greater their original intent and you have about summed up the HL:1, HL:2, and the Source Engine in general.

So why would the community not want a new game if they liked the previous one?

Well the answer came actually straight from the mouth of a Valve Developer Dave Newell
"So each time we've released one of those (updates) for Team Fortress 2 we've seen about a 20% increase in the number of people who are playing online. And that number is really important because it determines how many community created maps there are, how many servers are running, and so on. So we'll do the same thing with Left 4 Dead where we'll have the initial release and then we'll release more movies, more characters, more weapons, unlockables, achievements, because that's the way you continue to grow a community over time."

Well to my count they have released some achievements with the new "game type", but has not released any futher "movies", "characters", "weapons", or "unlockables" to this date, but to be fair the original game was a buggy piece of crap that took a good two to three months to sort out. Lets just say if they are hiding all this update stuff for a reason then it really is a coverup for perhaps something bigger like L4D2 somehow mimicing Team Fortress 2, but that sounds like crazy talk. Gabe Newell has officially commented saying "We aren't changing our plans for L4D1." in context of the "original development plans" which conviently can be anything he wants in a legall context.

L4D is developed by Valve and it has been their tradition to produce an Software Development Kit (SDK) to allow for gamers to add their personal touches to games, but little did they know that profit could, and was being made from these "Mods". So this is what I believe is their current stategy to marginalize that gap.

So why the announcement for the release of Left 4 Dead 2? To marginalize the gaming community's ability to produce extra gaming material for themselves, and for Valve to break free from old promises. The gaming comunity as it stands is not very united on our user rights because of the willingness to steal what we could easily purchase, but I believe the reason why Valve has offered such great servies in the past is primarily because their game security tied with Steam that has cut back on game piracy.

It is not that hard to believe it could simply be the profit margins from a stand alone game were anticipated to yeild a higher profit, but if this community is really intent on recieving the updates they were promised Valve's ploy may backfire. In any case my expectations are the game will be reviewed by large corperate publishers and boadcasters before the release and will recieve great reviews on its enchanced graphics and multidimensional game play, but on its released someone is going check to make sure every single detail Valve promised is in the game, and if not attempt to raise the alarm for other gamers.

Personally I think the number at the end of L4D pretty much just counts the years since Valve sold out its gamers. Logistically it will be extremely difficult to provide what they have promised by November before the first community is litterally left for dead.

Kill Box Juggling

Watch more videos of Gaming

If you didn't already know I am an author, a video gamer, and yes a juggler. Enjoy my new video of me attempting to juggle some very explosive stuff in Rocketcrowbar: Source's "Killbox" map.

Free Game Mod Link: Rocketcrowbar: Source

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Ship Music Video

Don't tell the White Stripes I made this... hah

Watch more videos of The Ship

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"The Ship World Leaders" Patch Review

Margret Thatcher shiving Kim Jong Il in a jail cell... Controversial enough for Bristish and North Koreans!

Seriously she looks scarey....

A dictator, and his murderer.

The scapegoat himself Osama Bin Ladin.

Tony Blair is the Character I use throughout much of the World Leaders Arcade Mode.

Ronald Regan after murdering Fidel Castro with a cane.

George Bush looking stupid as usual.

The game "The Ship" is based around the rich tycoon sociopath "Mr.X". Mr.X is bored with life it seems and wishes to see others lives toyed with so he has taken the passengers hostage and those who are daring enough can enter into his challenge. While playing the game each character needs to eat, sleep, drink, talk, and clean youerself to maintain your health. Each round of the challenge Mr.X assigns each "Hunter" a target "Prey", and each participant is "Prey" to another Hunter, and the Hunter stalking you is never your "Prey". Scoring is calculated using a list of weapons with assigned "Kill Values" that can found on board the ship. Depending on the game type the first person to reach a certain amount of wealth becomes the winner. But there are a few rules!

And if you can manage to play by all the rules you end up with something that looks like this....

This game is has barely been reviewed little alone strike a controversy, but yet it features not only a President that is still live, but former dictators of at least three other nations, and the purpose of this game is quiet litterally to kill for personal greed. Now with this in consideration how come the events that are precisely mimiced from history in "JFK Reloaded" are viewed a negative conotation when there is another game that takes precisely the same principle, but puts a fictional twist turning the nations of our world into bloodlusting criminals!

There is a lesson to be learned in this, but I am no ethicist. Enjoy my video.

Because of this games tendency to crash I am going to leave it unrated at the moment, but it is "very good". It has many game modes, and the multiplayer action can become intense and humorous as players forget to take care of their "needs", but simply put the development team as admited that it is giving no support to Vista users so be very sure your PC meets these minimum requirements before you purchase the game.

Transparent Warning: Adult Content

As of this morning I would like to officially announce that RunTimeErrorBoy's blog will be set to have "Adult Content" and is at the discression of the viewer to close this page before any of my written material shows up.

The furture sceduel of blogs is a follow up blog on "JFK Reloaded" comparing it to other games, a very indepth review of Super Columbine RPG, a VERY special exclusice interview with Ilan Dallas creator of the Unfinished Swan, and after all my new material runs out I intend to write a opinion filled synapse of the "Evolution of Gaming".

Friday, June 26, 2009

So what exactly makes a good game?

While looking for games to review for you guys I decided to get a little nostalgic and review a couple of old controversial games. The first game I want to review is "JFK Reloaded" because clearly it seems a tad off even pretending to assassinate the President of the United States, but this is an important part of our history that has been immortalized in every other medium so why not video games? Even though this game doesn't even show the real Zapruder film that was notoriously placed in "JFK" starring Kevin Costner it does have some startlingly realistic animation derived from the film in mildly grotesque detail that can be removed in the Options section of the game.

Warning Humorous Violent Content

The video was composed using the replay feature that comes along with the game that really just tops the whole game off. The report generates a score based upon the accuracy of your assassination as compared to the original, but I am an artist so I free handed this vid. As the presidents convoy passes by the red Texas Book Depository I make the clean headshot on President Kennedy, body shot the Governor's wife trying to kill the driver woops, then the shot to Secret Service Agent Clint Hill who was in the Zapruder Film climbing on the back of the vehicle to protect Mrs.Kenedy, and a successful shot to the divers head causing them to crash uncontrollably into the lamp post at the end all neatly brought together by the song "Can't Even Tell" by Soul Asylum. Enjoy.

It is a very short PC game with little room for graphics errors because game mechanics are limited to not even allow walking movement, but it is an excellent simulation all the same. Simply put this game was never an "abomination" and in fact very clearly mourns the loss of the President after every assassination.

I believe that if one is to look at this game objectively and I mean that quite literally it is of my opinion this game was created as a historical account of what is commonly regarded as a "conspiracy theory".

The game "scores" the player on their ability to accuracy recreate the events as seen on the Zapruder film, and as such only 3 bullets are ever supposed to be fired in this 60 second game, and has been noted that its creation was to help validate the "Single Shooter Theory" as it currently stands historical. The perfect game is as follows...

1) 22.1 Seconds into the simulation Oswald fires and lodges a bullet into the scenery. This bullet was never found by the Warren Commision thus can be fired anywhere, but can be heard in the original "Zapruder film".

2) The second shot dubbed "The Magic Bullet" because it appears to pass through 7 noncontinuous sections of both the Kennedy's neck and the Governor of Texas's back and various other locations. This bullet is fired precisely after loading the second bullet into the chamber. (hardest shot of the game)

3) The third and final dubbed "The Kill Shot" hit President Kennedy in the head instantly killing him as verified by the "6 seconds in Dallas" released in 1967 when the court held that "there is a public interest in having the fullest information available on the murder of President Kennedy. Thompson did serious work on the subject and has a theory entitled to public consideration …"

As creepy as it sounds this person scored a 98% on the game. It is probably really similar to what really happened that day from the killers point of view.


The game then takes you through a 3D report showing every bullet trajectory before and after impact and showing multiple wounds along with a written synapse.

As a "Game" I would say it has a certain amount of replay value considering it is so short and quick to load, but as a historical document not only debunking some conspiracy theories, but also as a testament to the dangers of wielding great power either as President or shooter.

For my next controversial game I have three clues!

1) This game takes place in a Highschool
2) You get to choose between two main characters
3) It is also a simulation of a real event

Game Download: "JFK Reloaded"

Extra! The real Soul Asylum Video shot Clerks Style. I can tell I will love their struggles no matter how miniscule for the rest of my life.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Have you ever felt disapointed?

Have you ever been disappointed in a video game because a carefully marketed commercial misleads you to believe it had more features, better graphics, and new creative game play only to leave you with "the same old thing"? This is why I created RunTimeErrorBoy's Game Shelf to review games from an angle unbiased perspective free from large impersonal gaming companies pressuring me to rate games from zero to ten rarely giving below a six, and I am RunTimeErrorBoy.

I have my problems with many games and their developers, but Left 4 Dead's marketing and Valve's development strategy continues to confuse me. When I purchased the game in early November they had already announced that a SDK would be released by December. This has yet to be fully released with a beta version that appearntly satisfied the community into feeling it is worth the wait, but yet they have already announced the release of Left 4 Dead 2 on November 17th, 2009?!

A major problem behind this decision to release a new "stand alone game" instead of an "expansion pack" is because much of the current L4D community purchased this game under the impression an SDK would be released promptly allowing enough time for user created additions to be not only created but appreciated by a large fan base. There is a Steam Communty with 35,00 users calling for the boycott of Left 4 Dead 2 largely on the premise that a new stand alone game would destroy any chance of major developments on L4D as its community vanishes to play L4D2.

As a company participating in a free market they do have the right to create a new stand alone game, and if the enchanced material is worth the likely $59.99, perhaps by adding duel chain saws for melee weapons, even I will purchase the game. Unfortunately this feels like another "Fable 2" conspiracy, and while boycotting games makes reviewing them difficult I will admit to agreeing with many of the principles of the steam L4D2 Boycott group. Left 4 Dead is still a very good game and will always have a place on my shelf, but with more experimentation using the SDK the comunity could significantly enhance the product that will be L4D2.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Watch me work....

Watch me work on some stuff, and chat with me.


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