Friday, June 26, 2009

So what exactly makes a good game?

While looking for games to review for you guys I decided to get a little nostalgic and review a couple of old controversial games. The first game I want to review is "JFK Reloaded" because clearly it seems a tad off even pretending to assassinate the President of the United States, but this is an important part of our history that has been immortalized in every other medium so why not video games? Even though this game doesn't even show the real Zapruder film that was notoriously placed in "JFK" starring Kevin Costner it does have some startlingly realistic animation derived from the film in mildly grotesque detail that can be removed in the Options section of the game.

Warning Humorous Violent Content

The video was composed using the replay feature that comes along with the game that really just tops the whole game off. The report generates a score based upon the accuracy of your assassination as compared to the original, but I am an artist so I free handed this vid. As the presidents convoy passes by the red Texas Book Depository I make the clean headshot on President Kennedy, body shot the Governor's wife trying to kill the driver woops, then the shot to Secret Service Agent Clint Hill who was in the Zapruder Film climbing on the back of the vehicle to protect Mrs.Kenedy, and a successful shot to the divers head causing them to crash uncontrollably into the lamp post at the end all neatly brought together by the song "Can't Even Tell" by Soul Asylum. Enjoy.

It is a very short PC game with little room for graphics errors because game mechanics are limited to not even allow walking movement, but it is an excellent simulation all the same. Simply put this game was never an "abomination" and in fact very clearly mourns the loss of the President after every assassination.

I believe that if one is to look at this game objectively and I mean that quite literally it is of my opinion this game was created as a historical account of what is commonly regarded as a "conspiracy theory".

The game "scores" the player on their ability to accuracy recreate the events as seen on the Zapruder film, and as such only 3 bullets are ever supposed to be fired in this 60 second game, and has been noted that its creation was to help validate the "Single Shooter Theory" as it currently stands historical. The perfect game is as follows...

1) 22.1 Seconds into the simulation Oswald fires and lodges a bullet into the scenery. This bullet was never found by the Warren Commision thus can be fired anywhere, but can be heard in the original "Zapruder film".

2) The second shot dubbed "The Magic Bullet" because it appears to pass through 7 noncontinuous sections of both the Kennedy's neck and the Governor of Texas's back and various other locations. This bullet is fired precisely after loading the second bullet into the chamber. (hardest shot of the game)

3) The third and final dubbed "The Kill Shot" hit President Kennedy in the head instantly killing him as verified by the "6 seconds in Dallas" released in 1967 when the court held that "there is a public interest in having the fullest information available on the murder of President Kennedy. Thompson did serious work on the subject and has a theory entitled to public consideration …"

As creepy as it sounds this person scored a 98% on the game. It is probably really similar to what really happened that day from the killers point of view.


The game then takes you through a 3D report showing every bullet trajectory before and after impact and showing multiple wounds along with a written synapse.

As a "Game" I would say it has a certain amount of replay value considering it is so short and quick to load, but as a historical document not only debunking some conspiracy theories, but also as a testament to the dangers of wielding great power either as President or shooter.

For my next controversial game I have three clues!

1) This game takes place in a Highschool
2) You get to choose between two main characters
3) It is also a simulation of a real event

Game Download: "JFK Reloaded"

Extra! The real Soul Asylum Video shot Clerks Style. I can tell I will love their struggles no matter how miniscule for the rest of my life.

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