Saturday, June 27, 2009

"The Ship World Leaders" Patch Review

Margret Thatcher shiving Kim Jong Il in a jail cell... Controversial enough for Bristish and North Koreans!

Seriously she looks scarey....

A dictator, and his murderer.

The scapegoat himself Osama Bin Ladin.

Tony Blair is the Character I use throughout much of the World Leaders Arcade Mode.

Ronald Regan after murdering Fidel Castro with a cane.

George Bush looking stupid as usual.

The game "The Ship" is based around the rich tycoon sociopath "Mr.X". Mr.X is bored with life it seems and wishes to see others lives toyed with so he has taken the passengers hostage and those who are daring enough can enter into his challenge. While playing the game each character needs to eat, sleep, drink, talk, and clean youerself to maintain your health. Each round of the challenge Mr.X assigns each "Hunter" a target "Prey", and each participant is "Prey" to another Hunter, and the Hunter stalking you is never your "Prey". Scoring is calculated using a list of weapons with assigned "Kill Values" that can found on board the ship. Depending on the game type the first person to reach a certain amount of wealth becomes the winner. But there are a few rules!

And if you can manage to play by all the rules you end up with something that looks like this....

This game is has barely been reviewed little alone strike a controversy, but yet it features not only a President that is still live, but former dictators of at least three other nations, and the purpose of this game is quiet litterally to kill for personal greed. Now with this in consideration how come the events that are precisely mimiced from history in "JFK Reloaded" are viewed a negative conotation when there is another game that takes precisely the same principle, but puts a fictional twist turning the nations of our world into bloodlusting criminals!

There is a lesson to be learned in this, but I am no ethicist. Enjoy my video.

Because of this games tendency to crash I am going to leave it unrated at the moment, but it is "very good". It has many game modes, and the multiplayer action can become intense and humorous as players forget to take care of their "needs", but simply put the development team as admited that it is giving no support to Vista users so be very sure your PC meets these minimum requirements before you purchase the game.

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